On Apr 3, 2012, at 9:37 PM, William A. Rowe Jr. wrote:
> I will absolutely not shirk my own responsibility, which in this matter, is
> neither the responsibility of a committer placing code at the ASF, an officer
> acting under the direction of the BoD, nor a a director of the ASF.  Which is
> to say, my entire responsibility as a member of the project and the foundation
> consisted of bringing the concern to the chair of the project and VP Legal,
> and let you all have your fun.  I'm done with this dialog.  Cheers.

I will be honest: I have no idea what this whole debate is about.
From the vote within the PMC, it's clear that the consensus is
to fold the code in, that we are satisfied that we are covered,
IP-wise, due to Graham's iCLA on file as well as other guarantees
noted in the (long) thread regarding the code submission.
So what is the problem?? That someone doesn't like the result
of the vote and is hoping to have it overturned, somehow??

I also fail to see how this codebase is any different from other
modules which we've folded in from "outside" like mod_proxy_html
and Paul's various heartbeat/cluster stuff which came in with hardly
any debate and certainly not dragging legal into it all...

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