On 7 Apr 2012, at 07:33, William A. Rowe Jr. wrote:

> So we have live registrars, no longer "experimental", who are now registering 
> domains in punycode.  Make of it what you will.
> Do we want to recognize non-ASCII strings in the ServerName|Alias directives 
> as utf-8 -> punycode encodings?  Internally, from the time the servername 
> field is assigned, it can be an ascii mapping.

I think this is more important for mass virtual hosting (VirtualDocumentRoot 
from mod_vhost_alias, etc). Users would create a document root directory named, 
eg, テスト.example and expect it to work. They don't know anything about Unicode, 
let alone punycode.
I reckon a lot of users would work out quickly that only Roman characters work 
in domain names, but they aren't going to be able to work out how to rename 
that folder into the correct punycode nor to tell the folders apart if renamed 
in this way.

As a user: I already have a configuration file with a UTF-8 ServerAlias 
defined, that's just waiting for httpd to implement this feature … and until 
then, I have the punycoded version in there as well.

Tim Bannister – is...@jellybaby.net

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