Not wanting to boast, but maybe mod_h2 for httpd 2.4 can play a role in 
motivating people to migrate away from 2.2. 

I have not looked into having it work on 2.2 and no interest in doing so. If we 
get the ALPN support into 2.4.13, mod_h2 can be just "dropped in" to such a 
server. And distros will have an incentive to include it.

In what amount that might influence 2.2 migrations, probably no one can 
foretell. And I have not the insight to what all others reasons for migration 
are, not knowing enough about the differences myself. I just want to point out 
that it can be one selling point among others.

As to how to sell it: I have made some performance tests and published some 
numbers based on my single dev installation. It could certainly help to get 
some more numbers in a more real world like env to either have a story to tell 
- or find out what still needs to be done.

What is floating around in the net are numbers from eithers servers no one can 
install (google) or servers that focus on http2 like h2o or nghttpd. But those 
are not general purpose servers, serve often only static files and sometimes 
even fail under load. I'm not saying they are bad implementations (far from 
it), there just not in the domain as httpd.

cheers, Stefan

> Am 27.05.2015 um 19:26 schrieb Jeff Trawick <>:
> one thing it means is having compelling stories involving the latest hot tech 
> that use 2.4

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