On Fri, Apr 20, 2018 at 08:14:16AM -0400, Jim Jagielski wrote:
> On Apr 20, 2018, at 8:04 AM, Micha Lenk <mi...@lenk.info> wrote:
> > [...], I value the ability to distinguish between bugfix-only
> > releases and feature addition releases.
> I understand that, thx. I also understand how a minor bump makes that
> easier. It would make, however, other people's lives and jobs *more*
> difficult, I think, so it's all about balance. I can see how
> distinguishing the difference is also nice, but what "value" do you
> derive from it? I am genuinely curious. Thx!

To be honest, our commercial interest in bugfixes is simply higher than
getting new features. So, I expect integrating a bugfix-only release to
be much less effort (in terms of porting our own modules, patches,
additional testing scrutiny) than a release that re-works internal core
functionality like the request handling for the sake of adding a new
feature like the entirely new support for h2.

But I am equally genuinely curious what would make "other people's lives
and jobs *more* difficult". What exactly do you refer to here?

> This is a "hack", of course, but what if CHANGES specifically called
> out new features like we do w/ SECURITY items?

Not being a native speaker I am not sure I understand your question
correctly. Can you please elaborate that question a bit?


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