Hi all,

We have an AWS scenario where jclouds attempt to getBucketLocation is
failing (internally) on 5 retries, and then backing off (presumably) to the
default bucket (us-east-1?). This, of course, is making the download take a
lot longer than it should.

Does anyone know why you might see this error in jclouds:

2022-07-14 21:37:29.263 +0000,3124098302712886 {} ERROR
o.j.h.h.BackoffLimitedRetryHandler [clrd-highpri-1] Cannot retry after
server error, command has exceeded retry limit 5:
[method=org.jclouds.aws.s3.AWSS3Client.public abstract java.lang.String

Note - we are not calling jclouds' getBucketLocation. We're simply calling
getBlob and (we believe) getBlob is attempting to call getBucketLocation
under the covers.

Thanks in advance,

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