thanks Stephen for picking this up.

SHA-1: 737de43e392fc15a0ce366db98d70aa18b3f6c03
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

Yes, this is the hash I would expect to revert to.
Based on the date I would expect that maven-its should be reset to

SHA-1: 94bd771c88cc96014ca0ddaa07ac6f778b3c7501
* [MNG-5840] Argh! tests added but not added to suite

I like the idea of pushing to 3.5.0 to indicate there was something with 3.4.x

My worries are more about: how to manage which issues should be cherry picked and who decides that list. Otherwise we might end up in the same situation. E.g. do we have to do a vote on the branch (which might cover multiple issues but which are related to the same topic) to decide if it can be merged with the master?


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