Am 2017-11-04 um 13:20 schrieb Stephen Connolly:
The past two days, Hervé, Robert and I have been discussing our next steps.

I think we have a semi-consensus which I want to bring back to the list:

We keep 3.5.x as a stable branch with critical bug fixes only

We switch master to 4.0.0 and start to burn down a release scope.

4.0.0 will not change the pom modelVersion

The 4.0.0 scope should probably be:

* drop Java 7, switch codebase to Java 8 idioms (while maintaining binary
api compatibility for plugins)

Who is going to do this? I haven't even seen any Java 7 improvements (NIO 2 and others) in core since 3.3. I doubt that core will we be rewritten with Java 8 idioms. Consider that we still have plugins running Maven 2.2.x which need more attention first.

* specify the classloader behaviour and fix impl to align with spec (may
need a plugin flag to allow plugins to opt in to spec behaviour)
* specify the extension spec
* allow limited mutation of the runtime model (reducing transitive
dependencies for consumers within the reactor, only for plugin goals that
declare intent) use case: shade plugin
* better CI integration hooks
* nice error message for newer pom modelVersion

This looks quite reasonable to me.


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