I can attest to this being a major issue for complex builds. Without
this behavior, it's nearly impossible to manage the build of complex


On 3/15/07, Mike Perham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
A will get D 2.0.  Yes, our build depends heavily on this behavior.

I'm ok with it going into 2.0.6 as long as it is noted in the release
notes.  Based on the number of votes the issue has, this is a major
problem for a lot of people.  I can't imagine any reasonably sized
build which has not encountered it already.


On 3/15/07, Carlos Sanchez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i'm fine for 2.1, for 2.0.6 may be too risky
> What about this use case for transitive dependencyManagement? has been tested?
> A -> B -> C -> D
> C depends on D 1.0
> B has D 2.0 in dependencyManagement, no D in dependencies
> A should get D 2.0

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