Hi Jeff,

As a matter of fact, I am already started to work on this.

So far, the updates are::
? modules/core/src/java/org/openejb/client/RequestInfo.java
? modules/core/src/java/org/openejb/client/ResponseInfo.java
? modules/core/src/java/org/openejb/client/naming/RemoteEJBAddr.java
M modules/core/src/java/org/openejb/client/AppClientJNDIContext.java
M modules/core/src/java/org/openejb/client/Client.java
M modules/core/src/java/org/openejb/client/EJBHomeHandle.java
M modules/core/src/java/org/openejb/client/EJBHomeHandler.java
M modules/core/src/java/org/openejb/client/EJBHomeProxyHandle.java
M modules/core/src/java/org/openejb/client/EJBInvocationHandler.java
M modules/core/src/java/org/openejb/client/EJBObjectHandle.java
M modules/core/src/java/org/openejb/client/EJBObjectHandler.java
M modules/core/src/java/org/openejb/client/EJBObjectProxyHandle.java
M modules/core/src/java/org/openejb/client/EJBResponse.java
M modules/core/src/java/org/openejb/client/EntityEJBHomeHandler.java
M modules/core/src/java/org/openejb/client/EntityEJBObjectHandler.java
M modules/core/src/java/org/openejb/client/JNDIContext.java
M modules/core/src/java/org/openejb/client/JNDIResponse.java
M modules/core/src/java/org/openejb/client/StatefulEJBHomeHandler.java
M modules/core/src/java/org/openejb/client/StatefulEJBObjectHandler.java
M modules/core/src/java/org/openejb/client/StatelessEJBHomeHandler.java
M modules/core/src/java/org/openejb/client/StatelessEJBObjectHandler.java
M modules/core/src/java/org/openejb/client/naming/RemoteEJBObjectFactory.java
M modules/core/src/java/org/openejb/client/naming/RemoteEJBRefAddr.java
M modules/core/src/java/org/openejb/server/ejbd/ClientObjectFactory.java
M modules/openejb-builder/src/java/org/openejb/deployment/RemoteEJBReferenceBuilder.java

In a few words, client EJB proxies use now under the cover a list of servers hosting the bean. When a server services a client request, the server can propagate to the client a new list of servers, which can be used for subsequent operations by the requesting client. (I will add a load-balancing strategy to choose amongst this server list).

I have been playing with WADI to understand how to use the API. I think that I understand enough of it to now hook it in. Having said that, it seems to me that we will need some refactoring to be able to re-use the various Contextualiser implementations. Basically, I think that the servlet specific parameters should be wrapped within an invocation context.

I will now start to work on an org.openejb.cache.InstanceCache implementation using under the cover WADI. In this first impl. I would like to have a memory, cluster and database contextualiser stack running. I should have something in an acceptable state mid-next week.

I will post this week-end a proposal for the new Contextualiser.contextualise method.


Jeff Genender wrote:

I am going to start looking at clustering in OpenEJB with WADI. I understand that perhaps a few of you co-committers may have looked at this before and I was wondering if you had any information you wanted to share ;-)


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