On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 3:35 PM, Alexandre Dube <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Eric,
>  I opened a ticket : #1631.
>  Of what I understand, the bug comes from the resolution and inRange value
> of the layer.  While it's not inRange, our renderer doesn't change its left
> and top values, even if we zoom.  But, when inRange, it first checks the
> resolution.  If it changed, then new left-top values are created but in our
> case it didn't so the left-top values remain the sames and when each
> features is added, they are out of the 15000 pixel range and are not
> displayed.

So it seems to me that the problem doesn't really related to the 15000
px limit. In this scenario:

- go out of range
- pan and zoom without going beyond the 15000 px limit
- go in range (the features should be visible as the limit was crossed)

is the location of features correct?

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