Just checked: zoomChanged is set to true in moveTo when coming from
setVisibility(true), so the fix describes in my previous email might
just work. Eric

2008/7/29, Eric Lemoine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi. Still i'm not convinced the problem is related to the pixel limit.
> When the layer is back to in range i tend to think that this.left and
> this.top should be reset to zero, which isn't the case today because
> from the renderer perspective it's like resolution has never changed.
> One way to solve this would be to have the layer pass the renderer the
> zoomChanged boolean value when calling setExtent, and have the
> renderer rely on that value to know whether resolution's changed.
> Although this will probably work in the "going back in range"
> situation, i'm not sure it'll work in the "going back to visible"
> situation, which must also be dealt with. Unless setVisibility(true)
> does pass zoomChanged=true to the layer moveTo call. This to be check,
> which i cant do at the moment. Regards. Eric
> 2008/7/28, Alexandre Dube <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Hi Eric,
>>   The location is correct.  It is ok to have a 15000px limit and that
>> works perfectly.
>>   To fix the bug, I think when the code checks the resolution, if it's
>> the same than before, it should also check the location of one of our
>> feature position...  If it's near our 15000px limit ( let's say more
>> than 14000px for example ) it should change the left-top value of the
>> renderer.
>>   That way, even if we zoom out or pan, if we get out of our 15000px
>> limit, features will continue to be displayed.
>>   What do you think ?
>> Alexandre
>> Eric Lemoine wrote:
>>> On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 3:35 PM, Alexandre Dube <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> wrote:
>>> So it seems to me that the problem doesn't really related to the 15000
>>> px limit. In this scenario:
>>> - go out of range
>>> - pan and zoom without going beyond the 15000 px limit
>>> - go in range (the features should be visible as the limit was crossed)
>>> is the location of features correct?
>>> --
>>> Eric
>> --
>> Alexandre Dubé
>> Mapgears
>> www.mapgears.com
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