Hi. Still i'm not convinced the problem is related to the pixel limit.
When the layer is back to in range i tend to think that this.left and
this.top should be reset to zero, which isn't the case today because
from the renderer perspective it's like resolution has never changed.
One way to solve this would be to have the layer pass the renderer the
zoomChanged boolean value when calling setExtent, and have the
renderer rely on that value to know whether resolution's changed.
Although this will probably work in the "going back in range"
situation, i'm not sure it'll work in the "going back to visible"
situation, which must also be dealt with. Unless setVisibility(true)
does pass zoomChanged=true to the layer moveTo call. This to be check,
which i cant do at the moment. Regards. Eric

2008/7/28, Alexandre Dube <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi Eric,
>   The location is correct.  It is ok to have a 15000px limit and that
> works perfectly.
>   To fix the bug, I think when the code checks the resolution, if it's
> the same than before, it should also check the location of one of our
> feature position...  If it's near our 15000px limit ( let's say more
> than 14000px for example ) it should change the left-top value of the
> renderer.
>   That way, even if we zoom out or pan, if we get out of our 15000px
> limit, features will continue to be displayed.
>   What do you think ?
> Alexandre
> Eric Lemoine wrote:
>> On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 3:35 PM, Alexandre Dube <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>> So it seems to me that the problem doesn't really related to the 15000
>> px limit. In this scenario:
>> - go out of range
>> - pan and zoom without going beyond the 15000 px limit
>> - go in range (the features should be visible as the limit was crossed)
>> is the location of features correct?
>> --
>> Eric
> --
> Alexandre Dubé
> Mapgears
> www.mapgears.com
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