
Windows 7, Cygwin64 Terminal
With command:

$ svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/openoffice/trunk aoo-trunk
Receive AOO upgrade Checked out revision 1547453.

Try to rebuild it with command:

$ build --all

build -- version: 275224
Have error messages in sal module:


Building module sal


Entering /cygdrive/c/source/aoo-trunk/main/sal/inc

mkdir.exe -p ../wntmsci12.pro/slo/pch


mkdir.exe -p ../wntmsci12.pro/slo/pch_ex


Entering /cygdrive/c/source/aoo-trunk/main/sal/osl/all

Compiling: sal/osl/all/utility.cxx

Compiling: sal/osl/all/debugbase.cxx

C:/PROGRA~2/MICROS~1.0/VC/include\xhash(60) : error C2039: 'basic_string' :
is n ot a member of '_STL'

C:/PROGRA~2/MICROS~1.0/VC/include\xhash(60) : error C4430: missing type
specifie r - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int

C:/PROGRA~2/MICROS~1.0/VC/include\xhash(60) : error C2143: syntax error :
missin g ',' before '<'

C:/PROGRA~2/MICROS~1.0/VC/include\xhash(887) : error C2143: syntax error :
missi ng ';' before '<'

C:/PROGRA~2/MICROS~1.0/VC/include\xhash(887) : error C2059: syntax error :

C:/PROGRA~2/MICROS~1.0/VC/include\xhash(887) : error C2065: '_Traits' :
undeclar ed identifier

C:/PROGRA~2/MICROS~1.0/VC/include\xhash(888) : error C2143: syntax error :
missi ng ';' before '{'

C:/PROGRA~2/MICROS~1.0/VC/include\xhash(888) : error C2447: '{' : missing
functi on header (old-style formal list?)
It seems a problem with MS VS include module:
C:\...oft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\include>xhash

The last successful build was with AOO Checked out revision 1537066.

Could you please help me to understand what is wrong now?

Currently I'm not subscribed to the Development Mailing List, please put me
in CC in your Reply .

Thank you,

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