Just my $0.02,

Actually the page makes sense. What is happening is that a group
of "free software" advocates see the advantages of permissive
licenses, and particularly the success of the ASF, as a threat to
their business.

Bradly Kuhn in particular has always been aggressive towards
OpenOfficeas an Apache Project[1] and seems to want to take
it against the ASF[2] lately.

I actually don't care about the discussion: I think both permissive
and copyleft licenses have their advantages and disadvantages for
certain groups. IANAL and I am in the group that doesn't read
licenses anyways :).

I honestly don't think having a "compliance costs" page will make
a difference but if it saves some (few) people from learning such
things through a legal process, I guess that can't do any harm.



[1] http://ebb.org/bkuhn/blog/2011/06/01/open-office.html
[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ItFjEG3LaA

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