On 15/03/15 02:57, Andrew Pitonyak wrote:
> Take a look at what wikipedia has to say. It looks like in the EU email 
> disclaimers are useless. No idea how accurate that is.

Wikipedia: The home of that which people would like to be true, even in
the face of objective reality which proves it to be otherwise.

What he hasn't figured out yet, is that he needs to explicitly invoke
the "right to be forgotten", in each individual request to each and
every archive in Europe, as well as to every organization that has a
presence in Europe, and also maintains a _public_ archive. If he wishes
to explore the law in regards to private archives, he can do so, but it
will cost him a very pretty penny, for very little, if any reward.

At least, I think that it is _the right to be forgotten_ that he is
trying to invoke here. There is a tie-in between those disclaimers, and
the right to be forgotten, but reliance on the former to achieve the
latter is a very risky business.

BTW, he still doesn't appear to be using "X-No-Archive" or "X-Archive"
headers. Either of which would reinforce his claim to the right to be
forgotten. Furthermore some archives still honour them.


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