Andrea, et al.,

> On 03 Sep 15, at 18:01, Andrea Pescetti <> wrote:
> I was astonished to learn, a couple days ago, that Ian Lynch passed away. 
> Many of you were probably closer to him and already got the news (Ian passed 
> away three months ago) but I don't recall reading it on the OpenOffice lists.

I was a friend of Ian’s but not closer; this comes as a brutal shock. Still, I 
thank you for informing us. Truly, I am stunned and upset.

> I had never met Ian, but I knew him as a key contributor in the Education 
> sector. He was also an OpenOffice committer and PMC Member; his Apache id was 
> "ingotian".

Ian and I had our differences but those were of long ago. More recently, I 
wanted rather a lot to work with him and possibly vice versa. Circumstances put 
that off—

Ian was also formerly a competitive weight lifter and had about him a boundless 
and infectious energy. All the more to find this news so very shocking.
> I hope that someone who knew him better will volunteer and write a couple 
> paragraphs for the OpenOffice blog in his memory.

I would love to. I suspect, though, that JZA might have volunteer? He worked 
with Ian, I believe. 

> See for more details.

Thanks, Andrea.

> Regards,
>  Andrea.
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