On 11/19/2015 08:47 PM, Damjan Jovanovic wrote:
On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 2:01 AM, Kay Schenk <kay.sch...@gmail.com> wrote:

On 11/17/2015 11:50 PM, Damjan Jovanovic wrote:
Building AOO with Java 8's very strict javadoc tool was fixed in SVN
only, by r1697228, r1697237, r1697247, r1697306, and r1697312, so yes it
should work well for building AOO now, and it's the only version I've
testing for months on FreeBSD. Base works, wizards work, beanshell
works, bvt/fvt/pvt tests generally pass (I haven't compared test results
with different Java versions).

LibreOffice supposedly builds with Java 6.

Java 7 added major new language features, like try-with-resources,
diamonds, switch on strings, so requiring Java >= 7 would be good for
development purposes. But then users can't use any older JRE version,
might be a problem for unofficial Java implementations that are a little
behind (see
When last I checked, the only fast JVM on the Raspberry Pi with the hard
float (hf) kernel was CACAO, which only supports Java 1.6.

A while ago I did find a way to change the bytecode and class file
of the class files produced by Java 1.7's javac, to make most language
opposed to API) features work on 1.6 and 1.5 JREs. I even have a Maven
plugin to do this. I can look into it again if necessary?

Oh and should we maybe use Maven for building Java code instead of

Thanks for the feedback. I hope we can get responses from Windows
and Mac builders soon.

...and, why do you like Maven instead of what we have now?

Why Maven:
* Popular advanced build system for Java
* Reproducible builds
* Dependencies and plugins are downloaded on demand during the build
* Tens of thousands of plugins, eg. Javadoc generation, Findbugs analysis,
animal-sniffer plugin to verify no APIs from later Java versions are used,
* Convention over configuration: configuration is minimal, a plugin is just
named to add it, no setting up paths to files, settings only necessary if
they differ from defaults
* Maven projects have been supported by every major Java IDE for many years
(NetBeans, Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA)
* There was already talk of providing our JARs like jurt.jar on the Maven
central repository for easy access by developers
* Easier to add now, when not that much Java is being used yet ;-)

Don't forget Maven is also an Apache project :)

Building the Java bits with Maven should allow automated bundling staging to Nexis Repo also.


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