Hi All,

The OpenOffice forums - https://forum.openoffice.org 


The OpenOffice wiki - https://wiki.openoffice.org 

are both housed on old VMware VMS which are in turn hosted on 
old hardware. 

We need to migrate these services over to new fully puppetized VMs.

I imagine that identifying all the nuts and bolts of these services will take a 
bit of time to go through, and to puppetize everything that we can.

I propose that someone here might like to create a Confluence wiki page for 
each service where everyone can follow along. (Not strictly necessary as this 
is mostly a one time operation) 
I will be here on list and also liaising through the INFRA Jira tickets [1][2].

A volunteer or two to assist with communication between Infra and the 
Openoffice communities (such as those using and managing the Forums - 
particularly since some of those dont follow the mailing lists or Jira.) would 
be nice.

A volunteer or two who wants to be involved in the actual migration process 
would also be nice so that we have folks here with some working knowledge 
by the end of the process.

I aim to start the process of both migrations simultaneously but I do expect 
differing finishing lines. My current expectations are that we could be done 
between 1 and 2 months.

Any queries please reply to the dev list or the relevant INFRA jira tickets.

Fact finding on the hardware requirements and disk configurations are the 
first step in the process and I am ready to begin that step now - who wants 
to join in ?

Myself and Daniel ‘pono’ will be the main Infra peeps taking this on.

Thanks for getting this far.


[1] - https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-13281 
[2] - https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-13275 

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