Regina Henschel schrieb:
Hi Daniel,

Daniel Rentz schrieb:
Hi regina,

Regina Henschel schrieb:

the file oox/source/xls/formulabase.cxx has a section /** Functions
defined by OpenFormula, but not supported by Calc or by Excel. */

Does this refer to the draft ODF 1.2 formula spec?

No. I just scanned the function op-codes defined by sc (nowadays

Which functions are listed there? For example, why are the imaginary
functions and the secant functions not listed there?

This list in oox is not used anywhere.

So I need not worry about that file?

Sorry, just have taken a closer look. This table *is* used to preserve Calc-only functions in roundtrip (save to Excel, load from Excel).

Same for the equivalent table "saFuncTable_Odf" in sc/source/filter/excel/xlformula.cxx.

I'm working on SEC, CSC, SECH and CSCH (issue 111413) and on IMCOSH, IMCOT, IMCSC, IMCSCH, IMSEC, IMSECH, IMSINH, IMTAN (issue 111609). The code is nearly ready, but for filters. For filters I would need some advise, what to change and add. SEC, CSC, SECH and CSCH are normal functions in the Math-group and the IMxxx-functions belong to scadddins/analysis.

Just add the new functions to the tables. As Excel does not know them (right?), the entries are used to create a unique function name in the Excel file format (e.g. _xlfnodf.SEC), and the import filter will restore the function known by Calc.

scadddins/analysis should contain only these functions that Excel offers in its Analysis add-in. New functions should go into the Calc core IMHO. (Anyway, starting from Excel 2007, all Analysis functions are built-in in Excel.) I'm not sure if the filters are prepared to handle functions from the Calc Analysis add-in that do not exist in Excel. Will think about that tomorrow :)


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