Hi all,

Daniel Rentz schrieb:
Regina Henschel schrieb:
Hi Daniel,

Daniel Rentz schrieb:

Same for the equivalent table "saFuncTable_Odf" in

It seems, that I have to wait till m78, because m76 does not contain
saFuncTable_Odf and m77 does not build for me.

Right, fix has been integrated into m77

Now I have a build based on m78. I made some import/export tests. Excel2003 xml is totally broken (issue 94261) and not mentioned below.

== A ==

I have added SEC, CSC, SECH, and CSCH, to saFuncTable_Odf. All four new functions have op-codes. Tests look good:

Reloading directly is correct for ods, xls, sdc, and sxc.
Loading and resaving with StarOffice8 (for ods, sdc, and sxc) and Excel2010 (for xls) and then loading in my build is correct too.

== B ==

But I have still questions concerning the new imaginary functions. Those functions have no op-code. Need I to add them to saFuncTable_Odf? If yes, how can I do it?

I tried to add them to saFuncTableOdf in oox/source/xls/formulabase.cxx, but does not know, which values to use for eighth and ninth parameter. I have tried all combination of {RR},{VR} and FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF. But it has no effect on my test results.

The test results are:

== B1 Directly reloading ==
Correct with general setting 'ODF 1.0' in ods, sdc, sxc, and xls
Correct with general setting 'ODF 1.2 extended' in ods, sdc, and xls. It fails for sxc (issue 95312).

== B2 Opening and resaving in StarOffice8 and Excel2010, reloading in my build ==
Correct with general setting 'ODF 1.0' in xls, sdc, and sxc.
Correct with general setting 'ODF 1.2 extended' in xls and sdc.

In the cases
 'ODF 1.0' with ods and
 'ODF 1.2 extended' with sxc and ods,
the new functions are reloaded with #NAME?, but the cells contain the formulas like '=imsech(z)'. In contrast to issue 95312 the old imaginary functions are handled correctly in this round trip through StarOffice8 and Excel2010 respectively.

Do I miss something, or is that a general error with 'new' addin-functions?

Please have a look at issue 101386. Is it the same problem?

kind regards

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