On 12/20/06, Greg Reddin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Just a question:  are you keeping good notes as to what you're
doing?  I'd like for the details of the process to end up on a wiki
page if they are not already there.  After reading these messages I
have no clue what you are doing :-)


I'm just going through the release guidelines [1] and process [2], and
clarifying those things that I feel the need to double check with
everyone. I'll try to add to the wiki docs if something needs
adding/changing, so far so good. For example, the branching discussed
in this thread has to do with the first bullet in the "Final Snapshot
Review" section of the guidelines [1] relating to continuum (and we
were planning on having two lines anyway -- 1.0.x and 1.1.x).

In summary, this is nothing revolutionary here. Having said that, at
any point, please feel free to stop me and ask what I am doing (or why
I am doing it, or where it is documented, or why it is not documented
etc. :-).


[1] http://wiki.apache.org/shale/ReleaseGuidelines
[2] http://wiki.apache.org/shale/ReleaseProcess



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