Hi Kasia,
Is it not possible to just use a JSR 303 implementation against your
model objects? Since they are essentially just POJOs, I would expect
this to be the case.


On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 2:40 AM, Katarzyna Kozlowska
<katarzyna.kozlow...@cognifide.com> wrote:
> Hi again,
> generally I like the resource base validation very much. However after
> going through jira Radu provided I am not sure if it is proper solution for
> my problem.
> First of all I don't want to filter improper data or stop them from being
> saved to the repository. I just want to get validation errors, if any, and
> display them in the ui.
> The second part is that when I am using Sing Models my abstraction layer is
> not aware of the resource anymore and I would like to keep it that way.
> For me the perfect solution for Sling Models would be designed in the way
> where user must only use simple annotations like:
> @NotBlank
> @Length(max=25, message="Title field must not be longer then 25 characters")
> private String title
> and there would be a validate() method returning some kind of validation
> results map/list based on annotations
> Important part is that there should be a predefined set of annotations with
> default messages, but the possibility to add some custom ones is a must.
> Therefore right now I can see one point we could merge this to different
> approaches and it is this common set of simple code validating separate
> values.
> I would love to discuss this solution further.
> Kind regards,
> Kasia
> On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 12:13 PM, Konrad Windszus <konra...@gmx.de> wrote:
>> The problem with connecting something like that with Sling Models is the
>> way the adaptTo method was specified.
>> It is supposed to return null and never throw an exception. So all
>> exceptions being caused by e.g. validation errors must be caught within
>> Sling Models. Currently I don’t see any way to propagate those exceptions
>> across the adaptTo boundary. That might already be a problem when for
>> example some required properties are missing. It is much harder to debug
>> because the exception is caught within the Sling Models framework.
>> I would like to have the possibility to instantiate a model class and to
>> be able to catch all potential exceptions within my own code.
>> Konrad
>> On 19 May 2014, at 14:53, Bertrand Delacretaz <bdelacre...@apache.org>
>> wrote:
>> > On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 1:43 PM, Radu Cotescu <r...@cotescu.com> wrote:
>> >> ...Maybe we can revive that topic and merge the two ideas....
>> >
>> > That would be great, IIRC Radu's SLING-2803 validator is meant to be
>> > generic, using it within Sling models should then just be another use
>> > case.
>> >
>> > -Bertrand

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