Here's a view into the requirements, for example:

You're right there is a lot of activity on SO, easily 30-40 questions per
day. One thing I noticed about, for example, the Data Science SE is that
most questions relevant to it were still posted on SO or Cross Validated.
It struggles as an SE even though there is, out there, more than enough
activity that _should_ be on the specific SE.

There are more niche things that end up working as an SE, so I'm not dead
set against it, though it would remain unofficial and my gut is that it
might just split the conversation yet further. I'd leave it, however, to
anyone active on SO already to decide that it's worth a dedicated SE and
just do it.

On Thu, Nov 24, 2016 at 10:45 AM assaf.mendelson <>

> I am not sure what is enough traffic. Some of the SE groups already
> existing do not have that much traffic.
> Specifically the  user mailing list has ~50 emails per day. It wouldn’t be
> much of a stretch to extract 1-2 questions per day from that.  In the
> regular stackoverflow the apache-spark had more than 50 new questions in
> the last 24 hours alone (
> I believe this should be enough traffic (and the traffic would rise once
> quality answers begin to appear).
> *From:* Sean Owen [via Apache Spark Developers List] [mailto:ml-node+[hidden
> email] <http:///user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=20008&i=0>]
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 24, 2016 12:32 PM
> *To:* Mendelson, Assaf
> *Subject:* Re: Handling questions in the mailing lists
> I don't think there's nearly enough traffic to sustain a stand-alone SE. I
> helped mod the Data Science SE and it's still not technically critical mass
> after 2 years. It would just fracture the discussion to yet another place.
> On Thu, Nov 24, 2016 at 6:52 AM assaf.mendelson <[hidden email]
> <http:///user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=20007&i=0>> wrote:
> Sorry to reawaken this, but I just noticed it is possible to propose new
> topic specific sites (  for stack
> overflow. So for example we might have a spark
> specific site.
> The advantage of such a site are many. First of all it is spark specific.
> Secondly the reputation of people would be on spark and not on general
> questions and lastly (and most importantly in my opinion) it would have
> spark based moderators (which are all spark moderator as opposed to general
> technology).
> The process of creating such a site is not complicated. Basically someone
> creates a proposal (I have no problem doing so). Then creating 5 example
> questions (something we want on the site) and get 5 people need to ‘follow’
> it within 3 days. This creates a “definition” phase. The goal is to get at
> least 40 questions that embody the goal of the site and have at least 10
> net votes and enough people follow it. When enough traction has been made
> (enough questions and enough followers) then the site moves to commitment
> phase. In this phase users “commit” to being on the site (basically this is
> aimed to see the community of experts is big enough). Once all this happens
> the site moves into beta. This means the site becomes active and it will
> become a full site if it sees enough traction.
> I would suggest trying to set this up.
> Thanks,
>                 Assaf
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