dusty wrote:
I think this is what is holding me back from using the REST plugin.  I have
plenty of S2 RESTfully designed applications, but without the routing
support I feel like I am fighting the framework to make it do things like
URLs that people think RESTful systems should do.

If I've understood correctly, that's what I want to do. By a means that's consistent across the system
 - identify the resource
 - identify the operation
 - identify the content type (when applicable)

I found creating custom tags has helped (like <s:create resource="pet"> and <s:update></update> which implies "the current" resource ), but I'm still fighting with the s:action tag for inline action invocations. eg. if I'm showing a pet and need to include children (eg. pets/woofy/vetVisits) then the system should know to invoke index and for
"pets/woofy/vetVisits/latest" should invoke show.
ie. something like:
<s:action name="vetVisits" executeResults="true">
could mean invoke the child of the current resource rather than an action in the current namespace (slight difference)

Those are the two biggest areas I've had to fight with in S2 to moving towards a restful design so far.

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