Remy Maucherat wrote:
Costin Manolache wrote:

NIO is used AFAIK by Jetty and Resin, and probably others. And it's
the 'standard'
solution for select-like operations ( even if the standard is as usual
not the best solution ).

I think we need to organize a community vote then, so that I do not waste my time.

I'm really bored with this NIO bullshit.
Once in a while someone erects, and we are going all over again
this 'to NIO or not to NIO'.

If someone wishes to write the NIO connector, fine with me,
but I'll be -1 (read VETO) if that would lead to redesign of Tomcat
in a way that simple blocking connector implementation will
be impossible to create.

IMHO anything but thread-per-request (at least) for any http-like
application (not a simple file delivery) is ineffective. Even if
some day the Servlet spec will allow async/event behavior
(that would be over engineering in its true meaning),
from whatever point of view, by pure theory it would be a peace of crap.

So, from my point of view I see this vote as useless, because
anyone can create a connector using what ever technology he prefers.
The only valid question would be, what to use as a default one,
but that's a minor issue thought.


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