
From: "Simon Laws" <simonsl...@googlemail.com>
Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 9:50 AM
To: <dev@tuscany.apache.org>; <antel...@apache.org>
Subject: Re: [2.x] Refactor builders into a new tuscany-assembly-builder module

Ok from all this can we look at some of the runtime modules, eg core,
core-spi, databinding, core-databinding, can we do any tidy up there?


With this kind of refactoring I'd rather we plan what we are going to
do across the code base, agree it and then apply it. This incremental
changing of the module structure keeps breaking me as I try to look at
the tests and it's taking me (personally, maybe it's just me) a long
time to recover from module moves.

I also think we need to get all the requirements on the table as this
is bound to overlap with our need to decide how to prevent the build
getting out of hand and (our old favourite) of how to structure the
features/downloads we actually ship. Nibbling away at it may back us
into a corner.

Can we start a new thread to get all of the refactoring/restructuring
requirements out on the table. I'm happy to start the thread and give
my 2c if people want me too.



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