On Thu, 2003-02-27 at 18:54, Nisan Bloch wrote:
> Hi
> At 03:46 PM 2/27/03 +1300, Alan McNatty wrote:
> >Hello,
> >
> >found that if I type in the smpp password incorrectly kannel loops
> >forever trying to reconnect. ie:
> -1 from me
> In the current form this path will not allow any retries for any sort of 
> bind error. eg what happens if there is a temporary connectivity issue, or 
> the SMPP server is down for a short while/

What I'm trying highlight is that there is a gap in logic ..
Currently regardless of the type of error we continually retry to bind.
If we specifically receive an error indicating the password is invalid
the SMSC is obviously up but we may as well kill the thread.

ie: 'I/O error or other error. Re-connecting' is not the right approach
for some errors. 

I haven't supplied a fix yet (no +/- required yet), the diff I supplied
was to highlight the location of the bug. 

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