Am 13.07.2015 17:50, schrieb Alexander Malysh:
Hi Stipe,

first of all I don’t get the intension for this feature? Please explain.

Hi Alex,

the intention was actually explained, let me enroll here. When the DLR gets back to an smsbox application, we get "only" the DLR event itself, i.e. DLR_SMSC_SUCCESS. Now the smsbox application needs to compare this to the original msg DLR bitmask to decide if there is any action to be taken, i.e. proxy this DLR to the downstream application or not. For this, the smsbox application needs to locally store the orig msg DLR mask. IF we would provide that orgi msg DLR mask in the DLR event msg itself, the smsbox application doesn't need any temporary storage and retrieval, since this is performed already logically from the DLR storage in bearebox.

I hope this shades some light on the intention ;)

Even if we should forward back original dlr_mask of message, we should not do 
it in dlr group
because original dlr_mask has nothing todo with dlr. Maybe create a new group 
‚orig_msg‘ and
put it inside but not in dlr group.

hm, I disagree here. The DLR is literally correlated to the DLR bitmask. If the bitmask wouldn't have been set, there would be no DLR event itself.

To go into your direction, I would suggest keeping it in the 'dlr' group, but renaming the field to 'msg_dlr_mask' to indicate this was the mask of the original message.


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Kannel Foundation        system architecture  

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