Is anyone else seeing crashes and other strange events in VirtualBox 6.1.34 (from RPMFusion) with Linux guests when the Linux host is running Fedora 36 with kernel-5.17.12?

When I first started to see problems on my first host I blamed my SSD drive, memory etc until I noticed the same problems on another host system.  The 2 hosts are running very different h/w (one is an ASUS laptop the other an Intel NUC).

Long story short I can fix all the problem on both hosts by booting kernel-5.15.11.

Weirdness examples...

(1) If you boot Fedora 36 Cinnamon guest, login, launch a terminal and just drag it around the screen... Cinnamon crashes. Sometimes the terminal accepts text, sometimes not requiring the VM to be terminated the nasty way.

(2) GNOME... similar to above but you get knocked back to the greeter.

(3) Xfce... if you run updates, a lot of the downloads have hashes that don't match, requiring re-download.  This happens in Cinnamon also.

(4) Any GUI... if you run TOR browser it crashes quickly with error 139 usually, or randomly some other error.

I am not blaming the kernel, the issue could be a kernel change VirtualBox isn't compatible with.  But since I have this on 2 host was wondering if others are already some way along in working out the problem.

Ian Laurie
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