Am 01.02.24 um 14:18 schrieb Sérgio Basto:

The problem is not KDE SIG not support X11, the problem is KDE SIG want
drop X11 and force user to use wayland .

Looking from the side I wonder If its the SIG or more the circumstances
that everything is in a forward flow and the SIG is facing it. So, if the best time was not two or one year ago, and obviously also not now. When then? The fact is that there must be a point in time when the display server takes an evolution step forward.

Pressure in such transition helps to get forward, so I understand the
SIGs POV. Albeit, from the practical POV there are some issue and therefore X11 is still the place to be.

Maybe some elaboration should be done about the current state of X11 vs
Wayland (is it just nvidia?) and a timeframe calculation to have a resolution. Maybe it won't look so bad then and a interim solution is
then more acceptable.


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