On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 11:54:29AM -0400, Bill Nottingham wrote:
> same python version as the Ansible version you're using.  If Ansible were to
> use python3, all module bindings would need to be python 3, and *all the
> managed machines would need to have python3 installed*.

Isn't it entirely possible -- through liberal use of 'six' and 'from
future...' -- to write code that will operate correctly with both
Python 2 and Python 3?  I thought that, e.g., OpenStack was pursuing
exactly that strategy.

Sure, you still need your target Python 3 environment to have the
appropriate supporting modules, but that seems like a different issue.
Environments runnning Python 2 should continue to Just Work.

Lars Kellogg-Stedman <l...@redhat.com> | larsks @ {freenode,twitter,github}
Cloud Engineering / OpenStack          | http://blog.oddbit.com/

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