On 19.11.2015 23:28, Bill Nottingham wrote:
> Till Maas (opensou...@till.name) said: 
>> On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 04:00:41PM -0800, Adam Williamson wrote:
>>> OK - so what's the clear and non-controversial definition of "modules
>>> like 'file', 'template' and 'copy'"? What do those modules share in
>>> common that we can define clearly and concisely and in a way there
>>> won't be any serious dispute over?
>> Maybe "packages needed to be able to to use and configure the default
>> package manager". For example one might need to be able to adjust the
>> dnf repo config to be able to actually install pkgs, if there is a
>> restrictive firewall for example and only local mirrors are accessible
>> or a proxy has to be used.
> I would say "packages needed to be able to install software and then do
> basic configuration of the system" - this would be:
> - $package_manager
> - core modules from 
> http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/list_of_system_modules.html
> - core modules from http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/list_of_files_modules.html

I would say nothing... Following playbook snippet is just enough to go from
bare minimal Fedora 23 to Fedora 23 which can run Ansible modules:

- hosts: vm_templates
  gather_facts: False
  - name: install packages for ansible support
    raw: dnf -y install python python2-dnf

Maybe we can get a patch to ansible which prints a useful hint when Python 2
interpreter is not found on the target system?

I mean something like:
"Huh, there is no Python 2 on the system <hostname>.
Please use gather_facts: False & raw module to install Python 2 package."

It would help even to users who do not use kickstarts, e.g. when you download
a image from somewhere and it does not work with Ansible by default.

Petr Spacek  @  Red Hat
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