On Fri, 20 Nov 2015 09:32:59 +0100
Petr Spacek <pspa...@redhat.com> wrote:

> I would say nothing... Following playbook snippet is just enough to
> go from bare minimal Fedora 23 to Fedora 23 which can run Ansible
> modules:
> - hosts: vm_templates
>   gather_facts: False
>   tasks:
>   - name: install packages for ansible support
>     raw: dnf -y install python python2-dnf

Sure, but it's not idempotent.

Having a group available at the install step I think is still handy,
because if you know you are going to be using ansible you can just add
that group from the list of groups on the dvd.
> Maybe we can get a patch to ansible which prints a useful hint when
> Python 2 interpreter is not found on the target system?
> I mean something like:
> "Huh, there is no Python 2 on the system <hostname>.
> Please use gather_facts: False & raw module to install Python 2
> package."
> It would help even to users who do not use kickstarts, e.g. when you
> download a image from somewhere and it does not work with Ansible by
> default.

Sure, sounds like a nice RFE upstream. :) 


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