Hi everybody,

So, current situation is:
ML: official, could use, in dare times ;-), some moderation

TJC: official, nedd some improvements, but nobody can deny the success of Q&A sites (see Stackoverflow) as a developer helping tool

TMO: unofficial, suits all the needs of forum estimators.

has it already been suggested/considered to actually just use stackoverflow.com for discussing things related to SailfishOS development? Stackexchange allows email subscriptions filtered by tag as well as browsing the site filtered by tag (or favoring tags).

In addition to already mentioned advantages/disadvantages of Q&A sites:

+ most software developers probably already have a stackexchange account
+ taking these topics into a generic developer platform might increase awareness of SailfishOS development, and SailfishOS in general
+ there could also be a symbiosis with other Qt users

Best regards,


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