On Friday, 1 May 2020 14.04 Martin Kampas wrote:
> > Now I just have to figure why some QML modules can't be imported...

> If you mean that there are red highlights etc. in the source code opened
> in Qt Creator, then this is likely because the QML modules are not
> installed in the (active) build target.
> If the QML modules are provided by packages pulled in as BuildRequires in
> .spec, all you should need to do is rebuilding the project (or just
> running qmake).
> If the QML modules are not pulled in as BuildRequires, you need to install
> them manually into the build target using Options > Sailfish OS > Build
> Engine > Manage Build Targets > Manage Packages under Qt Creator or from
> command line using `sfdk tools package- install`.
> Should you still have troubles fixing that, it would be nice to get more
> info about the modules and the content of your .spec at least.

I have two issues: One is that I can't import org.freedesktop.contextkit. 
In attached screen shot it seems to be installed in the SDK, so it must 
be missing on device? The error (in separate email about ContextKit) comes 
when running it on the device.

It flees my memory if I have had to install anything extra when I started using 

The other issue is ... is a non-issue after a rebuild and deploy ;)

Med venlig hilsen / Best regards

Thomas Tanghus

A: Because it breaks the logical sequence of discussion
Q: Why is top posting bad?

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