On Thu, Jan 30, 2003 at 05:10:59PM -0500, Harold L Hunt II wrote:
> > CUT_BUFFER is completely obsolete and totally broken. Most newer apps
> > don't even use it.
> > 
> Right, that is what most people keep telling me.
> However, I am a pragmatic guy.  If the current effect is that 99% or 
> even 75% of applications at least bump a CUT_BUFFER when the cut/copy 
> text to the clipboard, then I could at least use this as a signal that I 
> need to grab text from CLIPBOARD.

I'm pretty sure no GTK+ application touches it at all. I would be
surprised if Qt applications do.  Only the older stuff such as Emacs

> The problem I have is that almost every commercial X Servers for MS 
> Windows in existence has solved the problem of clipboard integration 
> without causing X clients to unhighlight the current selection.  Thus, I 
> know that the problem is solveable.  Worse, my users know that the 
> problem is solveable and they keep asking me to solve it.

It sounds a bit like you are mixing up PRIMARY and CLIPBOARD here.
> Unfortunately, the ICCCM is about as vague as you can write a document 
> without inspiring people to put down what they are doing, buy a gun, 
> actively seek you out, and shoot you dead without bothering to drag you 
> out into the street.  Case in point, the whole MANAGER... the discussion 
> of which leaves me completely clueless as to i) whether this would 
> actually help me or not and ii) how to use it:
> http://tronche.com/gui/x/icccm/sec-2.html#s-2.8

Manager selections are an unrelated concept to what you're doing here,
I think. They just happen to use the selection feature, just as 
the clipboard does.

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