On Tue, 4 Mar 2003, Kendall Bennett wrote:

> I know I have asked this before, but I can't seem to find my emails and
> the mailing list archive does not seem to be responding.

> What sort of back/forward compatibility is there with the XFree86 driver
> modules? From memory last time I tested this, if I compile a 4.2.0 module
> it will work with any version of 4.2.x, but it will fail to load on 4.3.x
> or 4.1.x. So right now we are thinking of building modules for 4.0.x,
> 4.1.x, 4.2.x and 4.3.x and shipping all four modules with our installer
> (which will auto choose which one to install).

> Is that the correct approach? Or should we be building modules for each
> released version of XFree86 (ie: 4.1.0, 4.1.2, 4.1.3, 4.2.0, 4.2.1 etc)?

The compatibility we strive for (but admittedly don't always accomplish)
is best expressed as

        Version(module) <= Version(core binary)

There are also inter-module dependencies to consider.


|  Marc Aurele La France           |  work:   1-780-492-9310           |
|  Computing and Network Services  |  fax:    1-780-492-1729           |
|  352 General Services Building   |  email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]          |
|  University of Alberta           +-----------------------------------+
|  Edmonton, Alberta               |                                   |
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|  CANADA                          |                                   |
XFree86 Core Team member.  ATI driver and X server internals.

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