I have tried this too with no apparent change.

I have installed (clean install, no upgrade)
Fedora and I still get the very same behaviour.

Is there a reference Linux distribution that
you guys use when developing or do you all
use a custom compiled kernel? If the latter,
what should I try to actually verify that the
hardware I have is not supported by the ATI

Should I open a bug in bugzilla?

Thanks, Salvio

Dr Andrew C Aitchison wrote:

On Mon, 17 Nov 2003, Salvio wrote:

On Sun, 16 Nov 2003, Salvio wrote:

I have attached the latest config file and log.

What happens if you disable 3D acceleration by commenting out Load "DRI" in the "Module" section ?

Section "Module"
       Load  "dbe"
       Load  "extmod"
       Load  "fbdevhw"
       Load  "glx"
       Load  "record"
       Load  "freetype"
       Load  "type1"
#        Load  "dri"

3D acceleration on the Mach64 isn't standard: I'm not sure that
anyone has tested that 2D and 3D accleration work well together.

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