wholeheartedly agree with you, DJ. was sympathetic to the harassment Ian 
mentioned, was disappointed with what I felt was a dismissive tone taken to 
racism concerns. I get Ian's comment regarding racist domains was just meant as 
a joke, however when Russel sent his email regarding how he felt about it I 
felt it was right to respond to state that I didn't find the joke particularly 
funny. I wasnt so much offended by it, as I realized it was a joke and not 
actually racism, just didnt find it amusing and wanted to clarify that I am 
against racism. Ian's follow up was I felt, disappointing. If I am thrown from 
this list for stating my opinion and disagreeing with Ian, then so be it.

 ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: DJ Amireh 
  To: devl@freenetproject.org 
  Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2023 9:36 PM
  Subject: Re: Racist statement of Ian Clarke on this list

  I agreed with Ian on the name change and I think "Freenet classic" is 
perfectly acceptable and indicates exactly what it is -- the classic version. 
It's not saying it's outdated or legacy or anything like that. And I sympathize 
with Ian's frustration dealing with this but personally as a member of "the 
next generation" that Ian is concerned about I was disappointed to see this 
"anti woke rhetoric" being thrown around. The next generation is not pro or 
anti woke but throwing around accusations of "virtue signalling" is typical alt 
right rhetoric and something I was disappointed to see from someone 
representing a project that I hold in high regards.

  On Sun, Jan 22, 2023, 12:16 PM Ian Clarke <i...@freenet.org> wrote:

    Woke virtue signaling noted. I don't care whether you find it funny. I'm 
not seeking your approval. 

    On Sun, Jan 22, 2023 at 11:12 AM craig mcgee 
<craig.mc...@guilt-management.org.uk> wrote:

      I didn't say your statement was racist, just that I didnt find it funny, 
that's all. I gathered it was made as a joke, but just wanted to state my 
opposition to racism, as russel requested, and leave it at that.
        ----- Original Message ----- 
        From: Ian Clarke 
        To: devl@freenetproject.org 
        Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2023 5:07 PM
        Subject: Re: Racist statement of Ian Clarke on this list

        Only a midwit idiot would think that remark was racist, particularly 
one who brought racism into the conversation in the first place. 

        I thought it was funny, and that's all that matters. If you don't like 
it, I suggest you touch grass. 

        I'm going to start blocking you idiots.

        On Sun, Jan 22, 2023 at 9:38 AM craig mcgee 
<craig.mc...@guilt-management.org.uk> wrote:

          I have to admit I was confused by the statement Ian made. Joke or 
not, it wasn't funny.
          but this is as far as I will go on the matter as I don't wish to get 
involved in the freenet dispute.
            ----- Original Message ----- 
            From: Russell Glenn 
            To: devl@freenetproject.org 
            Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2023 3:33 PM
            Subject: Racist statement of Ian Clarke on this list

            Mr. Ian Clarke,

            when discussing your acquisition of a secondary domain,
            "freenet.org", for your highly controversial unilateral decision
            to rewrite the Freenet Project which has always been hosted
            on "freenetproject.org", you said the following:

            > Yeah, all of the provocatively racist domain names were taken 

            Notice that this is a VERBATIM quote, and the email of yours did
            not contain ANY other content, nothing to reduce the gravity of
            this statement; the gravity of which cannot be reduced anyway.

            As a black person, but not only as such, I inform you that racism
            is NOT tolerable by any means whatsoever on this planet and will
            NEVER be.

            And before you attempt to dismiss this as a joke:
            Millions of people died due to racism.
            You, especially as a white person, are not entitled to joke about 
            Nobody is.

            And this piles onto the provable falsehoods and other insults you 
            produced on this list in the previous days.

            Therefore, it is my duty to join the ranks of people who request
            you to:
            * immediately step down as leader of the Freenet Project and
            * leave its board and
            * transfer ownership of the domains to the Freenet developer team 
            * transfer ownership of all other related accounts and
            * cease to use the name "Freenet" for any of your new projects.

            Racists, or those who joke about racism, do not belong into 
            where power is wielded.

            As you have failed to prove that the board of the project is still
            constructed of active members of the community,
            and not of those who have been inactive for decades as Mr. Daigniere
            I join those who request leadership is transferred to the
            leading developer.
            To my knowledge, this is Mr. Babenhauserheide.

            Should he not accept the position, I would vouch for the previous 
            developer Mr. Dougherty, or anyone of the choice of the two.

            Finally, I urgently implore anyone who reads this email to state
            their support. We must stand united against racism.

            - Russell Glenn


        Ian Clarke
        Founder, The Freenet Project
        Email: i...@freenet.org


    Ian Clarke
    Founder, The Freenet Project
    Email: i...@freenet.org

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