The DDN email list still seems fairly active so is there any reason the
community itself cannot take responsibility for administration of the DDN

By way of comparison - TechSoup forums and community's are managed by a
small team of geographically dispersed volunteers. TS staff oversee the
process however most day-2-day admin and moderation tasks (generating
discussions, answering queries, removing spam and spammers etc.) are
completed by volunteers. 

It's not a criticism of DDN to suggest that Techsoup is a lot more active
(and receives a lot more spam albeit hidden to the userbase!) than DDN,
mostly due to the efforts of our volunteers. Administering the DDN web
really should not be an onerous task providing suitable volunteers can be

Plus... as I sit in a tiny village in rural Australia administering a forum
run by an organisation based in California providing support to NPO's in
such diverse locations as Ottawa, Cape Town, New York City and elsewhere...
I'm left thinking... Isn't this exactly what DDN aspires to promote? What a
world is opened when we challenge and break this digital divide! 


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Cindy
Sent: Friday, 20 March 2009 1:34 PM
To: The Digital Divide Network discussion group
Subject: Re: [DDN] The future of DDN

HiĀ  Claude,

Yes. I think it is sad that the once very active, educative DDN has now
reduced to nothing but a site filled with Arabic and Chinese advertisements.

I have always disliked the idea when an online community is left without a
'manager'. Looking at the DDN site, I feel let down, sadness but most of all
I feel violated. 


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