I spoke with Kavita Singh over the weekend regarding the same issue.
Based upon our experience in Houston, I believe there is both an
opportunity and a responsibility for  community technology centers to
take the lead in number of ways.
        1.      CTCs should be established at every center serving the
Evacuee Community 
        2.      Best practices and uniform policies for data collection
and survivor search should be implemented.
        3.      A planning guide should be developed for CTCs serving
the needs of the evacuee community 
        4.      Entrepreneurial solutions for training and job creation
should be developed for implementation at leading CTCs near significant
evacuee populations.
        5.      Implementation of these suggestions should placed on a
fast track in order to address the short term critical needs of the
evacuee community and achieve longer term goals that include job
creation and acculturation of evacuees into new communities.

TFA is willing to share our lessons learned in order move such a plan
forward as quickly as possible. There are several hundred thousand
persons in shelters across the U.S. These persons will be our new
neighbors and they make our hometowns theirs. May CTCs welcome them and
lead the way to engage them and support them.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Andy Carvin
Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 6:05 PM
To: The Digital Divide Network discussion group
Subject: [DDN] Making the Astrodome CTC the Rule, Not the Exception

Hi everyone,

It's been amazing watching Technology for All's impromptu Astrodome
community technology center evolve over the last few days. I've been
following it with keen interest at the blog they've set up:

Will Reed and his team moved with extraordinary speed to get the CTC up
and running. I'd be very interested in hearing if other organizations
have started to set up similar CTCs at evacuation centers near them. For
example, it turns out that Cape Cod's Otis Air National Guard Station,
about 90 minutes from Boston, will play host to evacuees in the coming
days, weeks and months. What would it take to get a CTC established
there, as well as other refugee centers? Given the huge amount of
hurricane-related information that's available online - particularly
related to missing/found persons - it seems that we should demand that
all official evacuation centers have some kind of CTC up and running

I'm not looking for an academic discussion here; instead, I'd like to
see how we can outline clear, actionable steps that can be taken to move
this forward in a matter of days. We as DDN members have immense
resources and skills among us - how can we go about mobilizing our
collective abilities now?


Andy Carvin
Program Director
EDC Center for Media & Community
acarvin @ edc . org

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