In a message dated 9/6/05 10:38:56 PM Central Daylight Time, 


There is some really creative local leadership coming out of the folks who 
moved the Lafayette broadband initiative through the local political process.  
John St. Julien is one of the leaders.  They are very creative, forward 
thinking and sensitive to balancing immediate needs with longer term planning.  
Perhaps using Lafayette's experience and plans as demonstrations for telecom 
plannng in the redevelopment of NO, other parts of the Gulf Coast and other 
in America where there is human and economic value in connecting the 

Andy, would recommend you check in with John if you're planning on an op-ed 
piece.  You will be impressed.  And think a bit about the application of the R&
D experiences of TOP for local application.

Nice hearing from you Susan.  I still remember your introduction to the AFCN 
group in the redwoods.  Delightful.

Don Samuelson

> While we have all this media attention on relief efforts, this is a rare 
> opportunity to get the word out about why Internet access matters.  We 
> should redefine the meaning of "rescue" to include communication 
> along with food, water, shelter, counseling, etc.  There will be plenty of 
> rehashing over what worked and what didn't in Katrina relief, and we 
> can all advocate for more technology planning and implementation.
> Andy, are you up for writing some op-ed pieces for the Washington 
> Post or NY Times?  You've got the cool credentials :-)
> Susan Myrland
> Silvergate Consulting
> San Diego CA 
> 619 . 316 . 6022

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