Hi Brian,

We're using it specifically for ISBN encoding. One publisher's website has a free online tool for generating eps files that can be placed in the book's graphical layout:


Looks like there are others like this one as well. So we should be all set.


Brian Russell wrote:

I've worked with bar codes in print design and assest inventory.
What you need are barcode fonts for the OS your book is being
designed/layed out on.

First try googling "barcode fonts". http://tinyurl.com/ak9p6 and you can
try "barcode" http://tinyurl.com/8kl9c also try "barcode fonts ISBN"

There are free barcode fonts available online,
Then ask your publisher or printer what they REQUIRE. What type of info is
being incoded into your barcode? Each barcode standard is different. They
should have specs.


Hi everyone,

We're putting the finishing touches on the book I'm editing about the
telecentre movement before it goes to the graphic designer; if all goes
well we'll have it for distribution at WSIS in November. One thing we're
trying to figure out, though, is where to get our hands on bar code
software. We're going to have to put bar codes on the back of the book
so the ISBN number can be scanned automatically by distributors. This is
the first time we've been asked to put a bar code on the back of a book,
so we don't have software to do this. Is anyone aware of an open source
bar code publisher, or any other suggestions on how we can go about
doing this?


Andy Carvin
Program Director
EDC Center for Media & Community
acarvin @ edc . org
Blog: http://www.andycarvin.com

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Andy Carvin
Program Director
EDC Center for Media & Community
acarvin @ edc . org
Blog: http://www.andycarvin.com

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