Since you just have to do it once, you can probably just use this

And yes, the script is Open Source.

Andy Carvin wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> We're putting the finishing touches on the book I'm editing about the
> telecentre movement before it goes to the graphic designer; if all
> goes well we'll have it for distribution at WSIS in November. One
> thing we're trying to figure out, though, is where to get our hands on
> bar code software. We're going to have to put bar codes on the back of
> the book so the ISBN number can be scanned automatically by
> distributors. This is the first time we've been asked to put a bar
> code on the back of a book, so we don't have software to do this. Is
> anyone aware of an open source bar code publisher, or any other
> suggestions on how we can go about doing this?
> thanks,
> andy

Taran Rampersad
Presently in: Georgetown, Guyana

"Criticize by creating." — Michelangelo

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