Deborah Elizabeth Finn wrote:

>If we had a network of previously-trained national or international
>volunteers  - and sites to which they could report - in advance of
>emergencies - then the folks who were in unaffected regions would have
>an immediate way to help those in need.
>What do you think?
It's a noble idea, and not a new one. In the context of ARC, and a
Disaster Management paper I helped prepare for CARICOM (which was well
received, but not acted upon), what I have learned is that people forget
about disaster management until it's absolutely necessary. Then
civic-minded people go around and try to fill voids, and a lot of the
voids can't be filled because disaster management agencies don't listen,
or have the time to listen, in the middle of an emergency.

So to get this to work, disaster management agencies need to be involved
up front. The first paragraph may sound negative, but it's experience.
The trick is to get it to work... and if people can get it to work, then
you can count me in on the international front.

Taran Rampersad
Presently in: Georgetown, Guyana

"Criticize by creating." — Michelangelo

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