Kurt wrote:

> > Unfortunatelly all this name calling and mode bashing (you know,
> > the mode I support is better than yours etc) does not promote
> > digital radio at all.
> >
> > 73 de Demetre SV1UY
>  I am not bashing any mode, as I use most of them at one time or
>  another, and trying my hand at ALE right now. But I do not go and use
>  a freq without listening and asking if the freq is being used before
>  I start transmitting. This is not so much as a mode bashing as it is
>  to try to get it even across the board. I know here if you purposely
>  start transmitting over a on going QSO, and keep on doing it, you
>  will get a letter from the FCC stating that, it is a no-no, and they
>  will take your license and some money also. Seems though Winlink is
>  exempt from the law let alone common courtesy and practice.
>  Kurt K8YZK

Seems I did not make my point. A large portion of Winlinks popping "out 
of nowhere"
is because some  H I D D E N   (in the skip zone)  user has  triggered it.

Haven't you ever  been in a situation when calling a rare DX on a pileup 
and he never
comes back to you, because the BIG GUNS in the skip zone run over you 
and you never
notice ?

Andy, wasn't there another list to discuss this "I hate Winlink" stuff?

Jose, CO2JA


V Conferencia Internacional de Energía Renovable, Ahorro de Energía y Educación 
22 al 25 de mayo de 2007
Palacio de las Convenciones, Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba

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