Bill Vodall WA7NWP wrote:
>  This would still be a good solution. 1/3 the band for narrow museum
>  modes. 1/3 for voice modes and 1/3 for modern progressive modes with
>  no rules or bandwidth limits and let technology rule.
>  73 Bill - WA7NWP

I am confused.  What is a "narrow museum mode?"  PSK31?  MT63?  Olivia? 
i.e. modes used by actual hams in actual QSOs?  I have thought all of 
these modes are a pretty dynamic part of our amateur radio hobby.  PSK31 
was invented by a ham, and its use has been one of ham radio's success 
stories.  Same for Olivia and other modes.

What is a "modern progressive mode?"  Pactor being used by an RVer using 
amateur radio as a cheap way to get internet access?  Is it 
"progressive" because it is not really amateur radio, or is it 
"progressive" because it does not listen before transmitting, as has 
been traditional (and I guess "non-progressive") for all other 
components of amateur radio throughout its long and storied history?  I 
do not understand the labels here.

Sorry, I am confused by these labels. If not listening before 
transmitting is "progressive" and if filling our bands with RV internet 
traffic is "modern" count me in with the non-modern non-progressives.

de Roger W6VZV

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