
Yes, frequency coordination above 53 MHz would be a problem
when the band open, but I think we would have a few years
to work that out as the technology evolved from self-designed
kit modems, to publicly available kits, to a manufactured product
such as is sold for 4 MHz ATV at present.

The test frequency, and it was ONLY for testing, NOT regular
operating, was selected entirely by the test station (John, KD6OZH),
apparently based on his local situation.

The WG (abour two dozen Hams) and the ARRL OK'd it ior the 6-month
long STA application for testing purposes only, again, NOT for normal 
if later permanently approved.

NOTE:  ARRL actually is NOT in the frequency coordinating business, only in
suggested band plans...or at least that is what they kept telling me (HI).

Part of John rationale for picking a busier section of the band may
have been to see if anyone even heard his signal!  Although more power
was requested, I don't think he ever ran more than 50W either.

Now that may sound like a lot of power from a GP @ 40 feet, but keep
in mind that unlike WR4ANA, John's test HSMM signal (actually OFDM) would be
SPREAD OUT over 100 kHz, so its power density in a SSB or AM receiver
listening to only a few kH would be VERY VERY low.

They might not even notice he was there, as he would just blend-in with
the background noise!!!

As the WG chairman I just passed along the requested info to the ARRL 
That wasn't my call, and his arguments for using that portion (of the band
for just 6-months of testing sounded logical enough to me and the other 


----Original Message Follows----
From: bruce mallon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [digitalradio] Wideband on 6
Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2007 20:53:13 -0700 (PDT)

" My dream was / is an ADV 100 kHz channel up around
53 MHz where we could  have ADV QSOs over 50 -100
miles without investing a fortune in antennas.

  There are very few 6M FM repeaters in my area and the
local coordinators are happy to keep a few channels
uncoordinated for our ADV use."

John - K8OCL


Ok why did your group want 50.3 - 54 ? or was this a
ARRL idea ....

Also back last year I remember posting that the only
place that wideband ( 100 khz ) would even have a
chance was above 53 mhz ..... Remember your " local "
coordinator if he was going to do it right would have
to find that UNUSED 100 khz space and see others held
it open for just your AdV use or you would find
repeaters SOMEPLACE when the band opened.

My old 6 meter repeater WR4ANA ( 52.55 / 53.55 ) largo
was on from 1976 - 1980 and we had check ins from all
over north america with 40 foot high antennas
and 50 watts tx to the duplexer... 30 years ago.


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