Well after more than  2 months the little box has
It hooked up to my TS-2000 without a problem and works
like a champ .... EXCEPT .....

For some reason it and my SOUND BLASTER card don't
like each other and you have to configure the computer
for the SL-USB or the sound blaster card .... a

Now not knowing poop about digital and being at best a
novice at PSK this box is GREAT ! and in 5 min I
worked my first PSK contact on 14.070 ..... he was
willing to put up with my slow typing and lack of
knowledge and motor skills using DIGIPAN.

I'm looking forward to using it in some 6 and 2 meter
week signal work using NARROW bandwidth digital modes.

If someone is looking for a $99 route to getting on
digital this is the way to go .... conflict problems

One neat little box .....

And a excuse to build a computer for digital modes
only ...... LOL.


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