I have an HF rig, but rarely get on HF because of my wife and neighbors.  But 
after reading the past few threads, I'm GLAD that I DON'T get on HF!  Sounds as 
if it's gotten to be nothing more than a low frequency CB band!!

Whatever happened to common courtesy? Or better yet, COMMON SENSE??

I operate primarily on VHF & UHF and  I've found that since the CW requirement 
has been lifted, the bands, and it sounds like ALL of them, have been taken 
over by RUDE, inconsiderate "human" know-it-alls, who don't give a hang for the 
regulations that were put in place to keep the Amateur Airways AND the hobby a 
FUN place to be!

Sorry, but the FCC pulled a BONE HEAD act on this one!  Now true hams are left 
to clean up, what we can, and police the bands.  It's a FACT that unless 
someone is purposefully interfering with a public safety band or some BIG 
business with MEGA BUCKS, the FCC will just ignore the complaint!

Sorry, my soap box!


list email filter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                                  
Well Danny, I've got to say I think I've accomplished what I set out to 
 do, and I'm just a little hopeful that a few of the list members did a 
 little thinking, and that a few newbies 'might' have realized they can 
 'get by' without a $3k linear and an additional $200 a month on the old 
 electric bill.
 Even the "it takes a kilowatt to drown out everyone else on the band so 
 that a person half way around the world running a K2 on a battery into a 
 wire can't ignore me" guy hasn't risen to defend the 400 watt rag 
 chewer.  In my mind, I'll take that not as a victory, but at least to 
 mean there is hope.
 In the end, its a hobby.  There are people in the world that define who 
 they are by something they are passionate (or perhaps obsessive) about. 
   I long ago learned it is pointless to challenge their beliefs, 
 successfully doing so is tantamount to invalidating their lives.  Its 
 much easier to enjoy life, and let them find comfort in their own beliefs.
 I'll stick around and jump back up on the soapbox every now and then, I 
 don't need a victory, just getting a few people to actually think is 
 more than I should really have hoped for.  Who knows, if enough people 
 think about it, in the words of Arlo Guthrie, "friends they may think 
 it's a movement".
 IRLP Node 3804 445.975 Simp PL103.5
 Emails sent directly to this address instead of going through a yahoo 
 group are automatically processed as junk mail, so I never see them.  If 
 you want to email me directly, try 'mycall' at 12bars dot com, thanks.
 Danny Douglas wrote:
 > Give it up Erik.  Money talks, and talks louder than anyone else.  Some PSK
 > operators are no different that the guys on 80 meters, talking across town,
 > using linears so they can drown out everyone else on the band.  They dont
 > need it, know they dont, but do it so they CAN be the loudest on the bands.
 > I have heard them time and again, when someone else trys to come in and say
 > something.  Suddenly there is silence, they they go to talking about the
 > other guy not having a linear since they cant hear him 40 over s9, like they
 > can each other.  Or better yet, the jerk in Florida who comes on top of a
 > conversation, calling for someone in California (who he hasnt talked to in
 > the past 4 hours) and "cant quite hear someone calling him" so goes back to
 > calling his buddy.  He then states this is W4XXXXX in podunk city Fl.
 > There are pigs/ Hogs/ Jerks everywhere. It doesnt matter that he is running
 > 400 watts on the PSK band.  He is allowed to do it by the rules, and hang
 > the "power necessary for communications".  He is going to do it his way, and
 > ignore every one else.  Then of course you have the other guy who hears
 > this, brings his kw up on the freq, and blows away not only the offending
 > station, but everyone else - to make his point.
 > And to those who say THEY need that 100 or 200 or 300 watts to make the
 > contact, because of all the other interference ---  you wouldnt need it, if
 > the others were running 20 watts too.  Its a never ending circle of
 > outshooting the other guy.
 > Danny Douglas N7DC
 > DX 2-6 years each
 > .
 > QSL LOTW-buro- direct
 > As courtesy I upload to eQSL but if you
 >     use that - also pls upload to LOTW
 >     or hard card.
 > moderator  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 > moderator http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DXandTalk
 > ----- Original Message ----- 
 > From: "list email filter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 > To: <digitalradio@yahoogroups.com>
 > Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2007 10:53 AM
 > Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Re: Here's a silly thought
 >> Like I said, it was a silly thought.  You two gentlemen are obviously
 >> right, and I and the other 8 stations I'm printing on my waterfall
 >> before you guys key up must be clueless.
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 > http://www.obriensweb.com/drsked/drsked.php
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